Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Still have your Christmas tree?

Good Morning everyone!

Well it's another beautiful day to stay at home :) The sun is shining and I don't know about all of you but we have been doing some yard work at my house. I wanted to share with you an exciting science activity that a fourth grader did with their old Christmas tree!

Here is the link to the activity and a picture of the student burning their tree! Talk about exciting science. Make sure to read the entire activity including the safety tips before trying this with your parents!

Christmas Tree Science Link

Take a picture and send it to me if you're able to do this activity! BE SAFE! :)

As Mystery Doug would say.... Stay curious!
<3 Mrs. Rachael


  1. I am not burning mine i put mine in my treefort

  2. Mr. R and Neil and I did this the day it snowed. We had a bunch of old pallets, branches, last years and this years trees. Took all day and I was amazed the grass didn't burn. Mrs. R

  3. We put the tree in the woods for the birds to use for the winter as shelter.
