Student Connections

This student has been helping his Dad at work in the afternoons! I bet he is learning a lot about running a business!

Check out this AWESOME fairy house a 4th grader made

What a great roof!

Super cute!

 An amazing product of an online drawing class! Way to go!

Taking a break outside. 

This 3rd grader is taking an online drawing class. This is one thing she has already learned to draw!

This fourth grade student is playing Scrabble!

 Spelling, math, and reading all in one game! Woo hoo!

Another 3rd grader's bean plant. Look at how healthy it is!

A flower that a 4th grader made. So creative and colorful!

Fourth grade working hard doing his math!

This fourth grader made a rain gauge! Here is what she said about it...
 "I made it using a old soda bottle and duct tape I cut the top off and put it upside down as a funnel thy added measurements in centimeters to as rain falls I’ll collect data over next few days"

This 4th grader helped his dad build shelves for their basement over the weekend!

I see lots of math happening!!!!!!!!

Over the weekend this 4th grader helped her Mom by doing yard work. Her job was to pick up weeds and leaves and put them in the wheelbarrow. 

Great work!

That's a full wheelbarrow

Working hard!

Puppies always make yard work more interesting!

This 3rd grader's puppy is TOTALLY asleep!

Check out this student's new puppy! Her name is Mocha! 

Puppy Snuggles!

Look at those ears! She is so cute! A puppy definitely makes staying at home a lot easier! :)

Working hard and staying focused! 

Our furry friends love that we are home to take them on more walks!

Sometimes PE at home means walking your dog!

Look at how this 3rd grader's bean plant has grown!

4th grade snow boarding!! Great form!

Hard at work!!

Night in the snow fort. 

Look at that craftsmanship!

Fun in the sun with family and animals!

Lots of learning!

Snow fort making with her brother!

More snow fort making!

Lego Creations! 

A 3rd grade student meeting new friends from 
all over the world in a creative writing group.

Look at the snowmen that a 3rd grader made!


 I love the arms!

It's a snorkel man!

4th Grade student making their own lunch!

 Ham and Eggs yum!

 Helping his parents do some shoveling!

Coding after school work is finished!

Woohoo snow!

Biking in the snow!

A fourth grade student with his pet chicken! What animals do you have at home?

Check out what this fourth grader found while exploring in the woods! 
Can you believe it!? He found sheds! So cool!! Thanks for sharing!


Here is another example of a work space created by a 3rd grader! This work space is neat and organized, away from distractions, and has a space to keep school work so that it is easy to grab when they're ready to continue learning from home! Way to go!


In this picture you will see a fourth grader, his brother, and Dad on a scavenger hunt that their Nana made up! Here is the scavenger hunt. You can do it too!

1. A small, smooth stone that fits in your palm
2. A stick that is shaped like a Y and shorter than your knee to the ground
3. A green leaf
4. Something that smells good
5. Something that is shiny
6. A sign of spring
7. A sign of an animal
8. A sign of human presence


Above you will see a 3rd graders office space! When I look closely I can see so many important things helping this student get their work done! It looks like a neat and organized space. I bet it's a quiet space. I see everything from your school bag on the desk. This 3rd grader is ready to go!

What does your work space look like? If you haven't created a space where you do your work we would highly recommend you do that today!
A great working space includes:
1. Neat and organized
2. Quiet, away from distractions
3. A space where all of your work can stay so it's ready when you're ready!

What else does your space include? Send us pictures and we will post them!


Hi 3rd and 4th graders! Wow, it's been so much fun staying in touch with so many of you already! If you are reading our blog but haven't emailed your homeroom teacher yet, please make sure you do that so we know you are reading the blog and staying connected! It's so hard to feel connected to all of you from my living room!

On the right you can see a fourth grader playing baseball in his yard! He has been playing baseball with his dad and brother. This student has also been riding his bike and playing in the mud. What a great time of the year to spend a little time getting dirty in the mud!

Keep the pictures coming!!!

Have you done one of the fun learning activities yet? Which one? Send us a picture!

<3 Mrs. Rachael


Hi 3rd and 4th graders!

Yesterday after this 3th grader finished her reading, math, and writing, she chose to make a Jenga castle. So cool! Thank you for sharing!

We miss you all and hope to hear from you soon!

Ms. Townsend


Good Morning Everyone!
I'm sharing a couple pictures that a 3rd grader sent to us. In the pictures she was on a scavenger hunt! She was searching for things indoors and outdoors that started with each letter of the alphabet. What a fun idea!

Are you doing fun things at home you want to share with us? Send us an email and we will post your activities and share pictures.

We miss you all so much and love seeing what you're up to!

<3 Mrs. Rachael


This morning Mrs. Rachael and I got an email from a 3rd grader telling us about what he has been up to at home! We would love to hear from you! If you want to take pictures or a video, we will share it on the blog for your classmates to see!

Here is what he's been doing:
"Yesterday I worked on my Teepee.  I took all my firewood out and raked all the leaves out of it. I was building a spot to put all the firewood outside because the firewood took up a lot of space in my teepee.  I took the tarp off the other day. Yesterday I put the tarp back on and zip tied the tarp on the teepee. After putting the tarp back on I dug out a hole for the fireplace. I started to line sticks up on one of the teepee walls where there was a gap.  I built a spot to cut all the branches into the right length that I need it to be for the teepee wall. I hope to work it more today if it stops snowing."

Thank you for sharing! We hope to hear from more of you soon!

Ms. Townsend and Mrs. Rachael


  1. Addison L. how can you talk to all of those people at once?

  2. Loved looking at all these photos! Miss you all.

  3. I LOVE these pictures and i have tears because I seriously miss all of the Westshire students so much! I left kindness rocks outside the school on the tables if anyone needs one or five! I know all of you are strong and amazing kiddos and I am so proud of how hard you guys are working at home. We all are proud! Big AIR HUGS!!
    love Ms. T
